Entries by Ayal Ronen

FreeMind featured in ‘Nature’ – Funding: Word perfect

Amber Dance Nature 540, 471–473 (15 December 2016) doi:10.1038/nj7633-471a Published online 14 December 2016 This article was originally published in the journal Nature Nervous about your grant application’s chance of success? Get help to make every word count. Read article online Jiri Lukas’ research centre was at a crossroads four years ago. Bankrolled by the Novo Nordisk Foundation, […]

Webinar on An Introduction to SBIR and STTR Funding Opportunities Now Available Online!

SBIR/STTR awards account for over $780,000,000 awarded per year by NIH alone. These are excellent sources of funding aimed at promoting R&D activities of US-based small businesses as well as collaborations with Academics. SBIR/STTRs differ from traditional NIH mechanisms in that they are highly product driven and ultimately are seeking commercialization of novel therapies, diagnostics, […]