NIA at the 20th Annual Non-Dilutive Funding Summit

The 20th Non-Dilutive Funding Summit brought together hundreds of life science industry leaders with representatives from some of the leading funding agencies including DARPA, CDMRP, ATI, NHLBI, NSCEB, NIA and more, giving attendees the opportunity to learn more in-depth about what non-dilutive funding opportunities are available and relevant for their R&D directly from the funding agencies.

Additionally, the 2024 FreeMind Elite honorees took to the stage to present about their companies research and pipelines and their journey to securing non-dilutive funding.

This free summit is hosted by the FreeMind Group. FreeMind helps companies secure non-dilutive funding for life science R&D and wins over $100 million each year for clients. Follow us on LinkedIn or get our newsletter for news about non-dilutive funding opportunities, announcements about conferences with the best partnering, and discounts for those conferences. 

National Institute of Ageing

The National Institute on Aging (NIA) is a U.S. government agency and a part of the National Institutes of Health (NIH). Established in 1974, it is dedicated to understanding the aging process, promoting healthy aging, and addressing age-related diseases, including Alzheimer’s and other dementias. The NIA supports research on biological, behavioral, and social aspects of aging, funds training programs for scientists, and disseminates reliable health information to the public. Its work helps improve the quality of life for older adults by advancing knowledge and fostering innovations in care and treatment.

Dr. Rajesh Kumar, Program Officer

Dr. Rajesh Kumar is a program officer in National Institute of Aging (NIA)’s Office of Strategic Extramural Programs. The NIA provides ~$150M annually, through non-dilutive SBIR funding, to startups developing innovations addressing age-related diseases with a focus on Alzheimer’s Disease and Related Dementias. Dr. Kumar is responsible for promoting and supporting small business innovation in the areas of healthy aging and Alzheimer’s disease and Alzheimer’s disease related dementias.
Dr. Kumar has significant academic and industry experience as a scientist and innovator. He holds a Ph.D. in biochemistry and has expertise in cardiovascular, ophthalmic, regenerative, and aging biology. Following postdoctoral training at the University of Virginia, Rajesh joined the faculty of Texas A&M University Health Science Center. Prior to joining NIA, he held the scientific director position at a regenerative medicine startup company working to bio-print living tissues. Dr. Kumar has mentored many young scientists, and his research has resulted in several original publications and patents. One of his innovations has resulted in a commercial drug and two are in different phases of clinical development.