CDMRP at the 20th Annual Non-Dilutive Funding Summit

The 20th Non-Dilutive Funding Summit brought together hundreds of life science industry leaders with representatives from some of the leading funding agencies including DARPA, CDMRP, ATI, NHLBI, NSCEB, NIA and more, giving attendees the opportunity to learn more in-depth about what non-dilutive funding opportunities are available and relevant for their R&D directly from the funding agencies.

Additionally, the 2024 FreeMind Elite honorees took to the stage to present about their companies research and pipelines and their journey to securing non-dilutive funding.

This free summit is hosted by the FreeMind Group. FreeMind helps companies secure non-dilutive funding for life science R&D and wins over $100 million each year for clients. Follow us on LinkedIn or get our newsletter for news about non-dilutive funding opportunities, announcements about conferences with the best partnering, and discounts for those conferences. 

Congressionally Directed Medical Research Programs (CDMRP)

The Congressionally Directed Medical Research Programs (CDMRP) is a U.S. Department of Defense funding initiative that supports innovative biomedical research in specific medical fields, particularly those affecting military personnel and veterans. Established in 1992, CDMRP focuses on areas such as cancer, traumatic brain injury, and psychological health, among others, aiming to advance scientific discoveries and improve patient outcomes. Rather than following traditional government research funding processes, CDMRP uses a unique, two-tiered review system involving scientists, clinicians, and consumer advocates to ensure funded projects are innovative, high-impact, and aligned with both scientific and military needs.

Dr. Sagar Ghosh and Dr. Amie Bunker

Dr. Ghosh currently serves as the health science program manager, CDMRP, U.S. Army Medical Research and Development Command. As the program manager, Dr. Gosh strategically coordiantes the execution and management of two CDMRP cancer programs, Ovarian Cancer Research Program and Rare Cancers Research Program. He is alos responsible for executing the entire program life cycle, including investment strategy, development of funding opportunities, overseeing review of research proposals, and analysis of accomplishments of both the programs.

Dr. Amie Bunker currently serves as the Program Manager for the Melanoma Research Program (MRP) within the Congressionally Directed Medical Research Programs (CDMRP), U.S. Army Medical Research and Development Command. As Program Manager, she is responsible for the execution and management of tax-payer dollars supporting biomedical research in the field of melanoma. This includes annual review of the program vision and mission, development and release of research funding
opportunities, overseeing the two-tier review of research proposals, and overall
program management and evaluation