Government Fueled Progress by Funding Research and Development

Life science companies, researchers, and institutions research and develop treatments and medical devices to diagnose and find cures for health-related diseases and conditions. To ensure the progression of this important and life-saving R&D, the government takes on a pivotal role and assumes responsibility to provide resources to fuel and encourage innovation that ultimately improves human health.

Here are 3 key reasons why it is imperative for governments to fund R&D:

  1. Innovation and Technological Advancement

Research and development spurs innovation, leading to the development of medicines and technologies that improve human health. All stages of R&D require time, resources and most importantly funding. Governments that fund R&D ensure that researchers and life science companies have the capabilities to innovate.

  1. Addressing Global Challenges

With life science companies researching and developing technologies to tackle the global challenges of unmet medical needs such as pandemics, it is important for governments to invest in their progress to prevent and provide a solution for these situations, not only on a national level, but on a global level as well.

  1. Public Health and Safety

The number one priority of a government is the health and safety of its citizens. By funding R&D for the life sciences, governments can support the development of vaccines, medicines, and technologies that safeguard its citizens from health threats.

In the United States, there are many government organizations that provide important funding for the life sciences, including the National Institutes of Health (NIH), Department of Defense (DoD), Biomedical Advanced Research Development Authority (BARDA), National Science Fund (NSF), and many more.

At the FreeMind Group, our team of experts are well-informed and knowledgeable in the various government funds offered and can expertly guide you toward relevant grants and assist throughout the grant application process.