FreeMind, a proud supporter, is pleased to inform you of Biotech and Money’s upcoming Inv€$tival Showcase in exclusive partnership with Jefferies LLC!
On November 18th, Biotech and Money, in exclusive partnership with Jefferies LLC, are hosting the Biotech and Money Inv€$tival Showcase, in association with the Jefferies’ 2016 London Healthcare Conference at the Waldorf Hilton, London.
What is Investival?
Inv€$tival directly connects life science companies looking to raise capital or profile with potential investment partners brought together in London by Biotech and Money and Jefferies. It presents a unique opportunity for companies to showcase and raise their profile to Biotech and Money’s 2,500-strong global investor network as we continue our mission to be a conduit for US-EU funding, finance and investment.
Each company delivers a 15 minute pitch with tracks for early, growth and late stage public and private companies with investors ranging from angels and HNWs to the largest institutional investors
Each company are interviewed by Biotech and Money to find out what makes them
Each company’s video pitch, presentation slides and interview and company background will form a full corporate profile on Biotech & Money’s exclusive investor portal
1-2-1 partnering meetings take place throughout Inv€$tival via the Meeting Mojo partnering app, to make those vital face to face connections whilst at the event.
Who is attending Investival?
In the last weeks, 24 companies have confirmed to deliver their corporate presentation at the Inv€$tival Showcase, at a rate of one per day. Companies presenting join from across Europe including the UK, Sweden, Germany, Finland, Norway, Poland, France, Denmark and Italy, as well as the USA:
Over the last weeks a large number of investors have been securing their place to one of the biggest weeks in European healthcare investment:
If you are interested in a showcase presentation, a role as a sponsor or partner, or for further information please contact Josh Dance, SVP, on [email protected] or +44 (0) 7445 519 689.